7 Quotes & Sayings By Donal Ocallaghan

Donal O'Callaghan was raised in the shadow of two world wars. As a child he was an avid reader and from that early age found himself immersed in books of all kinds. His passion for reading and writing led to a career as a writer and journalist, which lasted for forty-five years. During those years he wrote a number of books, including the bestselling "The Light of the World" series Read more

These books have been translated into many languages around the world and have sold over ten million copies worldwide. He has also written several non-fiction works on spirituality, past lives, and metaphysics.

I'm learning that sometimes there are no answers to our questions & sometimes we don't have to understand. Thats part of life and it is ok.. Donal OCallaghan
Creating life as I go and editing when needed in order to move forward. Always under construction to do and be better than yesterday. Donal OCallaghan
Somewhere along the way I feel as though I lost my identity and its not like losing a passport it feels more like losing someone so dear to your heart that it pains you everyday to be so unsure if you'll ever see them again or not Donal OCallaghan
Every day it got swept. All of the dirt each piece of dust and even the tiniest bread crumb of secret midnight snacks. It lay under that rug. Years went by nobody noticed it’s more defeated crumbled appearance with all the misshaped lumps and bumps. Eventually a boy drips and falls over it people are so surprised and nobody knows what why or how it could have happened. Not even the lady with the sweeping brush. Donal OCallaghan
One of my favorite things to do is put my headphones on, blast some good music and just walk my own personal music video Donal OCallaghan
Connection was always enough. Not touching. Not talking. Just a feeling that in the world your not alone. Donal OCallaghan